Scientific Contributions

Our psychologists have been fortunate to publish articles in peer-reviewed journals, contribute to books, give talks and present at national and international conferences in their respective areas of expertise. Several of our clinicians have held, or currently hold, appointments at academic institutions including Georgetown University, University of California San Diego School of Medicine, New York University, Alpert Medical School of Brown University and have received awards acknowledging their scientific and clinical contributions to the field. Below please find samples of work from each of INSPIRE’s psychologists. Feel free to reach out with any questions; we would love to hear from you!


Danielle M. Shpigel, PhD

Mana Ali Carter, PhD, ABPP

Shondolyn Sanders, PhD


Mana Ali Carter, PhD, ABPP

  • 2023 American Psychological Association (APA), Division 22 Early Career Practice Award
  • 2023 APA, Distinguished Contribution to the Advancement of Disability Issues in Psychology

Shondolyn Sanders, PhD

  • 2024 Society for the Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM), Underrepresented in Medicine Faculty Scholarship
  • 2022 Methodist LeBonheur Healthcare (MLH), Miracles in Motion Award


Danielle M. Shpigel, PhD

  • Del Pozzo J, Yew B, Spielman L, Selmanovic E, Shpigel D.M., Dams-O’Connor K. Patterns and Predictors of Cognitive Change Over Time in Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury: Insights from a Longitudinal Telephone-based Study. Presented at 2024 International Neuropsychological Society; February 14-17, 2024; New York, NY.
  • Watson, E.M., Shpigel, D.M., Swenson, C., Greisman, J., Varga, A., & Dams-O’Connor, K. (2019 March). Disordered Sleep as a Modifiable Risk Factor for Post-Traumatic Neurodegeneration. Poster presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the International Brain Injury Association, Toronto, CA.

Mana Ali Carter, PhD, ABPP

  • Ramanathan-Elion, D.M, Hosey, M., Ali Carter, M. K., & Bier, M. (2023). Panel: The Evolution of  Rehabilitation Psychology: Lessons Learned from Early Career Professionals. Presented APA Division 22 Rehabilitation Psychology Mid-Year Conference, Austin, TX.
  • Ali-Carter, M.K., Rounds, A., & Brady, K. (2022). Qualitative Inquiry into Barriers for Medical Rehabilitation Appointment Attendance. Presented at Christopher Reeves Summit, Washington DC.

Elizabeth (Liz) McLaughlin, PhD

  • McLaughlin, E., DeRoma, V., Libretto, S., Kazi, A., Narayanan-Pandit, S., Edwards-Stewart, A. (2023, August 14-17). Best Practices for Research-to-Practice Translation: Synthesis of Lessons Learned from Implementation Pilots [Conference presentation]. Military Health System Research Symposium, Kissimmee, FL.
  • McLaughlin, E., Morris, J. A. (2019, October 5). Chronic Pain and Psychological Flexibility [Conference presentation]. Interdisciplinary Spine Conference, Providence, RI.

Shondolyn Sanders, PhD

  • Adams, K., Eloqlah, E., Gott, D., Sanders, S., Moore, K., Lattimore, D. (2019). Racial microaggressions and anxiety in black college students: Examining bicultural self-efficacy as a moderator. Accepted for presentation at the biannual meeting of the National Multicultural Summit (NMCS), Denver, CO.
  • Sanders, S. & Germany, M. (2017). Addressing strengths and barriers for doctoral students of color in pursuing a professoriate career. Roundtable presentation at the biannual meeting of the National Multicultural Summit (NMCS), Portland, OR.